Den 11 april välkomnar Swedsoft dig till ett webbinarium tillsammans med talaren Björn Forsberg, RISE, där han kommer att utforska energieffektiviteten inom datorteknik. Anmäl dig redan idag!
Webbinariet hålls på engelska.
Energy efficiency has become a primary concern in every part of the compute continuum to improve battery time or reduce energy costs. Embedded and mobile computer systems make extensive use of parallel and heterogeneous architectures to maximize their performance within a limited power budget, and at the same time the long-term dominance of the X86 architecture in clouds and data centers is challenged by new ARM-based processors that are marketed as more energy efficient.
What can programmers and system designers, building upon these architectures, do to ensure that such energy efficiency potential is realized in their applications
Björn Forsberg, RISE
Björn Forsberg received his M.Sc. degree from Uppsala Universitet in 2015, and his Ph.D. degree from ETH Zürich in 2021, for his work on timing-predictable execution for heterogeneous embedded real-time systems based on compiler and software-centric techniques for real-time guarantees on modern high-end embedded hardware.