Join us for the Software Technology Exchange Workshop (STEW) conference on November 15th in Stockholm. This year’s theme is The Software Engineer of the Future and we have an exciting lineup of speakers and presentations planned.
Topics will include Secure By Design and Volvo Cars’ Open Source Journey, among others. We invite you to share your expertise and insights as we explore the future of software engineering.
Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with academia, industry and the public sector. Register now to secure your spot at STEW. We look forward to seeing you there!
Moderator: Stefan Frank, Chairman Swedsoft
09.30 Registration
09.55 Intro and welcome – Stefan Jakab, Secretary General Swedsoft, and Pia Sandvik, CEO, Teknikföretagen
10.10 Secure By Design, Linda Örtlund, Manager Architecture, AI & Design principles Digital engineering & Innovation, SKF
10.40 Coffee break
11:00 Navigating Inner Source: Unveiling the Complexities Beyond the Surface, Azeem Ahmad, Inner Source Leader, Ericsson
11:30 Group discussions 1
12:00 Lunch
13.10 Green software development – are you running dirty applications? Tina Runesson, Product Manager, Gaia Gen, Elsa Westin – IT Sustainability Lead @ Gaia Gen
13.45 Adversarial Machine Learning in the Industry, Felix Jedrzejewski, PhD Student, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola
14.20 Circular Open Source Strategies for Scale, Jonas Öberg, Open Source Officer, Scania CV AB
14.50 Group discussions 2
15.20 Coffee break
15.50 Agile Education at Cybercampus Sweden, Gunnar Karlsson, professor, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
16.25 Volvo cars Open source journey, Mary Wang, Director, Open Source Ecosystem, Volvo Car Corporation
16.55 Knowledge of code is a democratic right, Kristina Bjerka, Secretary General, Kodcentrum
17.30 Mingle
17.55 Dinner
The twelfth STEW conference is organized by the nonprofit organization Swedsoft together with its members and co-hosts AB Volvo, Blekinge Institute of Technology, KTH, Linnaeus University, Mälardalen University, Saab, Scania, Svenska Elektro- och Dataingenjörers Riksförening and SKF.