For a few years Swedsoft has organized a workshop called Samling av mjukvarusverige (Gathering of Software Sweden). Here, we invite decision makers in Swedish software development from companies, academia, government agencies and organizations.
On August 24, we invite you to Gathering of Software Sweden with the theme Lifelong Learning at Teknikföretagen, Storgatan 5, Stockholm. The meeting will be held in Swedish.
09.15 – 10.05 How do you think AI will affect the industry? Impact on future competence? Vis-à-vis green transition?
- Carl-Johan Hamilton, Grundare, Ants
- Anna-Lena Strömsten, Head of People Services Group, Scania
- Adam Edström, Focus Area leader – RISE in the digital Europe, RISE
10.05-10.20 Fika
10.20- 11.00 Which software skills will be necessary for the future? What type of role does the education sector have in meeting the needs of future competence?
- Diana Unander, forsknings och projektkoordinator, Institutionen för datavetenskap och medieteknik, Linnéuniversitet
- Josef Lannemyr, Programme Manager, Tillväxtverket
- Anna Broeders, Talent Attraction Manager, Linköping Science Park
- Li Ljungberg, Näringspolitisk expert/projektledare, Teknikföretagen
- Rebecca Tyrstrup, Business Area Manager IT, Academic Work
11.00-12-00 Workshop
12.00-13.00 Lunch