Kodcentrum joins Swedsoft

Swedsoft is delighted to welcome Kodcentrum as new members. Kodcentrum is a non-profit association introducing children to programming and digital creation.

This is a summary of the Swedish article.

“Through this partnership, we can leverage industry insights and resources to enhance and expand our educational initiatives. We look forward to collaborating closely with the industry to increase interest in programming and software development among young people,” says Kristina Bjerka, Secretary-General, Kodcentrum.

Kodcentrum offers children free coding courses and activities, both digital and at various locations throughout Sweden. They reach out to teachers and educators to enhance their abilities to teach programming and digital creation to children. They also operate Kodboken, a website for children, teachers, educators, and families interested in starting with programming and digital creation. Additionally, during the autumn, they launched Kodklubben, a YouTube channel for children who want to learn how to code.


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Kodcentrum joins Swedsoft

This is a summary of the Swedish article. “Through this partnership, we can leverage industry insights and resources to enhance

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