The emphasis for STEW is on two main areas; networking and knowledge exchange. What makes the conference special is the focus on networking and discussions, not only with the speakers but also between the participants. Now you have the possibility to present at STEW!
We also welcome recommendations on who you would like to listen to and other ideas outside your own organization. Please email us at
Some examples of subjects in the context of the STEW 2023 theme:
- Collaboration between AI and human
- Managing circular business models
- Ensuring sustainability of large code bases
- Managing/mastering Open source
- Mastering automation
- Life-long learning
- Multidisciplinarity
- New challenges (sustainability, security, privacy, energy usage etc.)
- Expectations (speed, quality, validity etc.)
- Ethics, purposefulness
-> Submit your proposal by filling this form <-
Important information
Each presentation will be around 20 minutes followed by discussions and group workshops. The presenter is expected to prepare two to three questions that can be discussed around the tables. STEW does not have any copyright requirements. Hence, presenting at STEW should not prevent the researchers from publishing the results at other conferences.
At least one researcher/company representative must attend the conference and present. We also encourage you to team up with partners. Please note that we will only be able to offer one free attendance per presentation and additional speakers will have to register as participants. We want the speakers to be present during the whole conference day as the most important part of the STEW conference is the networking and informal exchange.
Practical information
Conference dates: November 15th 2023
Location: Teknikföretagen, Storgatan 5, Stockholm
Presentation proposal: Deadline May 31st 2023
Notification of acceptance: During the summer
Submission of slides: October 15th 2023
The twelfth STEW conference is organized by the nonprofit organization Swedsoft together with its members and co-hosts AB Volvo, Blekinge Institute of Technology, KTH, Linnaeus University, Mälardalen University, Saab, Scania, Svenska Elektro- och Dataingenjörers Riksförening and SKF.