Newsletter May 2021

Spring has finally arrived and, as in nature, the activity is high in Swedsoft. In the spring newsletter, we tell you a little about what is going on in Swedsoft and inform you of some of the things that have happened.

Read the full newsletter, in Swedish, here.

A new board was elected during the spring meeting and two new board members were elected; Anna-Lena Strömsten, Head of People Development at Scania CV and Joakim Wernberg, Research Director at Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum. In April we also arranged the seminar Open Source from a Business Perspective where the speakers raised challenges, opportunities and why open source can be a good business choice. Swedsoft has submitted our views on the interim report An improved system for labor immigration. This is an important issue for Swedsoft and we are particularly keen to attract people with system and software expertise.

Looking ahead, the opportunity to submit presentation proposals for STEW 2021 is open. Software Technology Exchange Workshop, STEW, Swedsoft’s annual conference organized since 2012 to create exchange between industry, academia and public sector within software development and research, celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. What makes the conference special is the focus on networking and discussions, not only with the speakers but also between the participants. Here, participants are invited to network during dinner, group discussions and of course during the many breaks. The theme for this year’s STEW conference is Software as a motor for acceleration and disruption. You can find more information about the conference and how to submit presentation proposals at Present -STEW 2021We also give some tips about calls and projects such as SSF Future Software Systems and Vinnovas Advanced and innovative digitalization and future Swedsoft events.

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