The networking conference Software Technology Exchange Workshop (STEW), is a yearly conference, organized since 2012 to create exchange between industry, academia and public sector within software development and research.
The emphasis for STEW is on two main areas; networking and knowledge exchange. What makes the conference special is the focus on networking and discussions, not only with the speakers but also between the participants. Now you have the possibility to speak at STEW 2021!
The tenth STEW conference is organized by the nonprofit organization Swedsoft together with its members and co-hosts AB Volvo, Addalot, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Debricked, Favro, Halmstad University, Ideon Science Park, Linnaeus University, Malmö University, RISE, Saab, Scania, Svenska Elektro- och Dataingenjörers Riksförening and SKF.
The theme for this year’s STEW conference is Software as a motor for acceleration and disruption. You can find more information about speaking and what we are looking for, as well as more information about the conference on