A nationally coherent strategy for software is needed

In December 2020, the Government presented the Research and Innovation Bill 2021–2024. The bill forms the basis for the government's direction and ambition for Swedish research and innovation. Swedsoft welcomes several of the proposals in the bill but lacks a national major investment in software.

This is a summary of the Swedish article.

Prior to the work on the bill, Swedsoft submitted the report “The holistic view of the importance of software for digitization and competitiveness”. In the report Swedsoft presents eight proposals in areas of skills developments, student recruitment and regrowth to higher education, as well as research and innovation in collaboration.

Sweden is today prominent in terms of both research on and industrial application of software development, but it depends more on diligent work on many fronts in many small steps than a national cohesive strategy. To continue to be a leader in an increasingly globalized world, large cohesive investments in skills development, education and research are required, says Gabriel Modéus, Secretary General of Swedsoft.


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