Survey on restart after Covid-19

The spring of 2020 was not what anyone expected and now, after a different summer, we are all trying to plan and look ahead based on the current conditions.

In order for us to be able to get information about the challenges and opportunities that our members see in this special time, as well as what our members can do to help others, Swedsoft has sent out a questionnaire to our members. The results form this survey, will help us tospread good examples and bring with us challenges to highlight in different contexts.


Thanks for a great STEW 2024

The theme of the year was “AI – Top Ten Topics for Swedish Industry.” To further explore the theme, we had AI

Swedsoft on increased competence in security issues at universities

Swedsoft recently submitted feedback on the Memorandum on Ökad kompetens i säkerhetsfrågor vid universitet och högskolor, §7.1 & 7.2. (Increased

Kodcentrum joins Swedsoft

This is a summary of the Swedish article. “Through this partnership, we can leverage industry insights and resources to enhance

Access Webinar Recording: Multi-Concern Assurance and Compliance in Cybersecurity & Safety

The webinar discussed the multi-concern assurance and compliance needs that characterize safety-critical domains. Barbara made an in-depth and single domain-focused