The Software engineer of the future

Under dagen fick vi lyssna till presentationer och delta i diskussioner kring temat The Software engineer of the future:
- Secure By Design
Linda Örtlund, Manager Architecture, AI & Design principles Digital engineering & Innovation, SKF - Navigating Inner Source: Unveiling the Complexities Beyond the Surface
Azeem Ahmad, Inner Source Leader, Ericsson - Green software development – are you running dirty applications?
Tina Runesson, Product Manager, Gaia Gen, Elsa Westin – IT Sustainability Lead @ Gaia Gen - Adversarial Machine Learning in the Industry
Felix Jedrzejewski, PhD Student, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola - Circular Open Source Strategies for Scale
Jonas Öberg, Open Source Officer, Scania CV AB - Agile Education at Cybercampus Sweden
Gunnar Karlsson, professor, KTH Royal Institute of Technology - Volvo cars Open source journey
Mary Wang, Director, Open Source Ecosystem, Volvo Car Corporation - Knowledge of code is a democratic right
Kristina Bjerka, Secretary General, Kodcentrum
STEW organiseras av Swedsoft tillsammans med AB Volvo, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, KTH, Linneuniversitetet, Mälardalens universitet, Saab, Scania, Svenska Elektro- och Dataingenjörers Riksförening och SKF.