På mjukvarukonferensen Software Technology Exchange Workshop (STEW) har vi sedan 2012 erbjudit ett forum för nätverkande och kunskapsdelning mellan olika branscher, akademi och offentlig sektor inom mjukvaruutveckling och -forskning. Det som gör STEW speciell är fokuset på nätverkande och diskussioner, inte bara med konferensens talare utan också mellan deltagarna.
Årets presentationer och talare är:
- AI-engineering: what is needed for a successful development and operation of AI-systems?
Ivica Crnkovic, Professor of software engineering, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg
Helena Holmström Olsson, Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Media Technology, Malmö University
- Visual software analytics: challenges and opportunities
Rafael M. Martins, PhD, Senior Lecturer in Computer Science and Media Technology, Linnaeus University
Markus Borg, PhD, Senior Researcher, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB
Welf Löwe, Professor, Linnaeus University and Softwerk AB
- AI on the edge – Data stream analytics and solutions for edge based machine learning
Henrik Arleving, Industrial innovation Architect, HMS Industrial Networks
Shooresh Sufiye, Software Developer, HMS Industrial Networks
- Open data and open innovation around roads
Thomas Olsson, Senior researcher, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
- Intellectual property as a tool for constructing data openness
Pavel Kopylov, IP Business & Legal Consultant, Synergon AB
- Making Program Analysis Useful Together
Emma Söderberg, Associate Senior Lecturer, Lund University
- From beauty in code to beauty in data
Markus Borg, Senior Researcher, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB
Adam Tornhill, Founder and CEO, CodeScene
- Explainable artificial intelligence for predictive maintenance
Slawomir Nowaczyk, Professor in Machine Learning, Halmstad University
- The petabyte project
Sven Nilsson, Software Innovation Specialist, SAAB AB
STEW 2020 arrangeras av:
Swedsoft, Högskolan i Halmstad, AB Volvo, Teknikföretagen, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Informator, Linnéuniversitetet, Malmö Universitet, Saab, Scania, Business Region Göteborg och Addalot
Du hittar mer information och inte minst programmet för STEW 2020 på Swedsoft.se/en/stew/present.