This year’s STEW opening speaker is…

Maria Stellinger Ernblad, Chief Digital Officer (CDO) of the City of Malmö, will kick off this year’s conference with the presentation “Digital transformation of a city - a journey through collaboration and sustainability”.

This year’s edition of the Swedsoft conference Software Technology Exchange Workshop, STEW, has the theme Connected Society. On this theme we have previously announced the main program and two keynotes, Bishop Johan Tyrberg, Church of Sweden and Jan Erik Solem, CEO, Mapillary. Today we release Maria Stellinger Ernblad as the opening speaker, presenting the work the City of Malmö does in digitalizing the city to create a connected society.

“I was happy to be asked to open this year’s STEW conference on the theme Connected Society. In my presentation I will give an overview of the ground laying and ongoing work for digitally transforming the City of Malmö.” Says Maria Stellinger Ernblad, Chief Digital Officer (CDO), City of Malmö

In the presentation Maria will go through the steps from recruitment, investments and financial models to principles on end-user focus and a new way of seeing IT as an integrated business development asset in all corners of the administration. In her presentation the emphasis will be put on how we build on sustainability and cooperation.

“With the digitalization of the cities and public sector being an important part and one of the enablers of creating a Connected Society we are very happy to present Maria Stellinger Ernblad as this year’s STEW opening speaker. It will be interesting to listen to how the City of Malmö work with digitalization and together with all the rest of our speakers the conference will give several interesting perspectives on Connected Society.“ says Gabriel Modéus, Swedsoft’s secretary general and STEW project leader.

Registration to this year’s conference is open and all speakers are now released.

About Software Technology Exchange Workshop, STEW

STEW is a conference that encourages and promotes knowledge exchange between industry, academia and the public sector. At STEW we want to make research and project results visible and available to stimulate new cooperation in software technology.

When: Nov 13-14th 2019
Where: Stora Hörsalen, IKDC, Sölvegatan 26, Lund, Sweden
Conference theme: Connected society
Registration is open at
More information:

Organizers: Swedsoft together with the co-hosts Lund University, Malmö University, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Linnaeus University, Teknikföretagen, Saab, Starcounter, Addalot, Informator, ANTS and Business Region Göteborg.


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