STEW is a conference that encourages and promotes knowledge exchange between industry, academia and the public sector. At STEW we want to make research and project results visible and available to stimulate new cooperation in software technology.
We have previously released Jan Erik Solem, CEO Mapillary, and Bishop Johan Tyrberg, Church of Sweden, as to two of our three keynote speakers and we will release the opening keynote of STEW 2019 later.
This year’s STEW presentations:
- Collaborators win! Road safety and traffic efficiency solutions in a connected society, Christina Rux, Lead Architect, Connected Car, Volvo Cars and Peter Nilsson, Product Manager Connected Active Safety & Autonomous Drive, Volvo Cars
- How to test for safety in the presence of the unknown?, Wojciech Mostowski, Associate Professor, Halmstad University
- Smart cities – a vision becoming reality, Stefan Alfredsson, Global Solution Marketing Manager, Axis Communications
- From IoT spaghetti to lasagna, Mats Pettersson, CEO, Sensative AB and Ulrik Sjölin, Software Developer, Sensative AB
- Trained, not coded – Still Safe?, Markus Borg, Senior researcher, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB
- Your third-party code is vulnerable! Do you know how to secure it?, Emil Wåreus, Head of Data Science, Debricked AB
- Sharing data openly to enable new innovations, Per Runeson, Professor, Lund university
In between the presentations there will be time to network and meet people from industry, academia and public sector from all around Sweden. In the end of day one there will also be the traditional STEW dinner, a great opportunity to have interesting discussions.
“I look forward to two days of interesting presentations, discussions and networking around the theme Connected society.” says Gabriel Modéus, Swedsoft’s secretary general and STEW project leader.
Registration to this year’s conference is open and people has already started to register. Do not wait to secure your participation.
About Software Technology Exchange Workshop, STEW
When: Nov 13-14th 2019
Where: Stora Hörsalen, IKDC, Sölvegatan 26, Lund, Sweden
Conference theme: Connected society
Registration is open at
More information:
Organizers: Swedsoft together with the co-hosts Lund University, Malmö University, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Linnaeus University, Teknikföretagen, Saab, Starcounter, Addalot, Informator, ANTS and Business Region Göteborg.